Grace Youth Ministry exists to build up the family of God by engaging youth with the Gospel, equipping them for Christian maturity, and enabling them to fully participate in the life and mission of Grace Church.

Grace Church Youth Group meets every Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 pm.

1st Wednesday - Fellowship Nights
Fellowship nights are completely dedicated to fun and fellowship.

2nd & 4th Wednesday - Youth Small Groups
Small Group nights are dedicated to fellowship around God's Word. There is a time of hanging out, a time of prayer, and a time discussing God's Word.

3rd Wednesday - Teaching Nights
Over the next 12 months we will be in a teaching series called Ten Words To Live By. This series is focused on God’s Law in the Ten Commandments. Throughout the year we will explore each of the Ten Commandments and consider how God’s Law reveals our need, points us to Christ, and helps us to thrive as God’s people. Each Teaching Night will have a time of hanging out, a time of teaching, and a time of open discussion.