January 2 — Jody Collinge

Praise and Prayer

  1. Thank God for his bountiful provision!

  2. My biggest praise is that I can see better now! The laser surgery in Texas was successful. I also enjoyed a time at CHSC with Greg and Candi Seager and spending time with missionaries there. Then we headed to Bourne, TX to celebrate Thanksgiving with their family.

  3. The cabin at CHSC is progressing, though a bit slowly. The drywall is finished. Pray for wisdom in our decisions as we finish it.

  4. Please continue to pray for Acapulco, which was devastated by the hurricane.

  5. Thanks for your prayers for our community health evangelism ministries and for the Global CHE Network service team that often works behind the scenes to support the worldwide community health evangelism ministries. 

  6. Pray for the Masai people in Kenya. Many are illiterate and without electricity, so Jo and Palm Ministries are working to get them solar-powered handheld audio players with Scriptures in the Maasai language. Pray that they may hear and respond to the gospel message.

  7. I hope to head back to CHSC in January to help with their orientation, children's program, and CHE training. Thanks for your prayers!

  8. Pastor D.J. and I have been working together on ways to combine GameLife and Children's CHE. We will also be giving a pre-conference at the International Wholistic Missions Conference in May. Pray that this will enhance both ministries.

  9. In January, I plan to begin an online Bible study on Women of the Old Testament. Please let me know if you are interested. 

  10. I have been selected to attend Lausanne 2024 (their fourth world conference) as an online participant. (So no travels to Seoul, South Korea!) The Lausanne Movement is a global movement that mobilizes Christian leaders to work together for the worldwide spread of the gospel. We are working online to prepare for the conference

Thanks to each of you who have been praying for me and those who give support. You are an encouragement to me. Let me know how I can pray for you.

With love,